‘Holy water’ in the house threatens 10-year old marriage

By Uzor Odigbo

A couple is currently seeking to dissolve their 10-year-old marriage before an Ikeja High Court in Lagos on account of a bottle of ‘holy water’ the wife brought into the house without her husband’s approval, Journal Magazine has reported.

The report says the aggrieved husband, Olaniyi Oluwaseun Oladepo, is asking Justice Christopher Balogun to dissolve his marriage with his wife, Adeyinka because of the ‘strange’ prayer water she brought into her matrimonial home without his knowledge

Oladepo has since left his home, claiming that his life is under threat and he would not want to do something he might later regret due to provocation.

He said: “I feel threatened. I was being provoked to violence, but I left the house. I saw a liquid content in the house.”

In response to the allegation, Mrs. Oladepo said they got married in October 15, 2011. “We have two children who are five and seven years old.”

She further explained that her husband told her in 2015 that they were no longer compatible.

“My mother brought holy water she collected at a Catholic Church programme. And I only collected the water; I have not used it for anything.

“I travelled from work and upon returning home, I discovered that my husband had absconded. He left our matrimonial home,” she said.

The judge adjourned further hearing of the matter.

Ishaya Ibrahim:
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