Gombe govt approves Sports Week for athletic events

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Gombe state govt approves Sports Week for athletic events

By Uzor Odigbo

The Gombe State Commissioner for Education Dr. Aishatu Umar Maigari has promised to declare 7 days of sports week to enable secondary school Students to participate in the forthcoming inter-secondary Schools Athletics Championships in the state.

Dr Maigari disclosed this when she declared open a three-day intensive training workshop for Games Masters in Gombe on Monday.

 “We have to ask directors in the ministry to know which week would be appropriate and free. Its important to form an honest synergy with Agencies of government to support their sports programme.

“I strongly believe that the education sector is the main beneficiary of the Hon. Ahmed Shuaibu Gara Gombe inter-Secondary School Athletics Championships and it is incumbent on us to reciprocate their request as the state education Ministry is also open to support sports 100%.”

The convener of the workshop, Hon. Gombe had earlier appealed to the Commissioner of Education to declare Education Sports free week to enable students to fully participate in the Athletics championship.

Over 65 Games Masters are participating in the Workshop Where they would be trained on Athletes handling and event management in practical and theory.

Ishaya Ibrahim:
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