Gombe Games Masters workshop impactful, participants say

By Uzor Odigbo

Participants at a three-day Athletics training workshop for Secondary Schools Games Masters expressed gratitude to the Convener for a successful end of the event at the University of Gombe ICT Hall on Wednesday.

Games Masters drawn from 65 Schools in the state and it’s environs participated in the training workshop which prepared them for Athletic events management, talents discovery, Athletes handling, use of Athletics tools, equipment, doping rules, results oriented warm-ups, etc.

Participants expressed gratitude to the resource persons that exposed them to the modern technology and techniques of getting their Athletes to aspire for podium appearance.

In his closing remarks, the convener of the high capacity AthIletics training programme, Hon. Ahmed Shuaibu Gara Gombe, said the programme was organised to equip secondary schools Games Masters on the rudiments of Athletics for talented students in schools and at the grassroots as to produce talents that are knowledgeable for the progress and future of Athletics in Gombe State.

“I appreciate the number of participants at the workshop and it’s very encouraging, it also showed that talents in schools and grassroots in Gombe are safe and would be better handled if all of you would implement in full the knowledge you have acquired at the training,” said Gombe.

He praised participants that did well in the test conducted by the programme instructors which includes Dr. Alex Mana, Col. Abass Mohammed rtd, Kolo Mohammed, Solomon Achi, Uzor Odigbo, and Simon Ayuba.

He urged them to strive for success in their various schools.

Participants also received certificates at the closing ceremony witnessed and presented by representatives of Gombe State Education Commissioner, Sports commissioner, Subeb and other stakeholders.

Ishaya Ibrahim:
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