Electoral Act: Group calls on electorate to join campaign for amendment

Electoral Act: Group calls on electorate to join campaign for amendment

By Jeffrey Agbo

Centre for Reform and Public Advocacy has called on eligible voters in Nigeria to join the advocacy for the amendment of the 2022 Electoral Act which will make electronic voting and electronic transmission of election results mandatory.

The group, in a statement made available to TheNiche on Thursday and signed by its head of legal services, Kalu Agu, said the amendment of the act would eliminate all discretionary powers given to the Independent National Electoral Commission (EFCC) to conduct elections in Nigeria using any method of its choice.

“Today, Nigeria has a government led by President Bola Tinubu, who won the 2023 Presidential Election on an unpopular mandate assisted by weak electoral laws and affirmed by unfirm judiciary,” the statement said.

“In less than three years from now, Nigeria will enter into another circle of elections to determine who leads us.

“The question is, are we going into the 2027 General Elections with the 2022 Electoral Act as the law that will regulate the conduct of the 2027 General Elections? The answer to this question by Nigerians will determine the ‘Government we deserve in 2027.’”


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The group said that for Nigerians to enthrone the government they deserve in 2027, they must, “as a matter of urgency, commence the advocacy for the amendment of the 2022 Electoral Act which will make Electronic Voting and Electronic Transmission of Election Results mandatory in our electoral law, eliminating all discretionary powers given to INEC to conduct elections in Nigeria using any methods of its choice.”

“Every free, fair, credible, and transparent election is a product of strong and uncompromising electoral institutions powered by a strong legal framework.

“We sincerely call on all eligible voters in Nigeria to join this campaign to advocate for amendment of the 2022 Electoral Act to incorporate Electronic Voting and Electronic Transmission of Election Results in the Act which will regulate the conduct of the 2027 General Elections by INEC.

“You can join the advocacy by following us on our Social Media Handles or send us a message through WhatsApp on this phone number: 07076119509,” the statement added.

Jeffrey Agbo:
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