Driving into the yuletide

By Sunday Eze

Yuletide: a season of hope, peace and joyful celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ all over the world is again around the corner. The season and reason for the celebration means different things to different people. To most Christian faithful around the globe, the central theme of this joyous occasion finds a place in the fulfilment of the word of God, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder. And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” as vividly captured in Isaiah 9:6. In another biblical stead, Jeremiah 33:14-16 declared: “Behold, the days come, said the Lord, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah. In those days, and at that time, will I cause the Branch of righteousness to grow up unto David; and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land. In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely: and this is the name wherewith she shall be called, The Lord our righteousness.”

Others view it as a time for annual celebration of friends and family reunion, of individuals and communal feats. Few day to Christmas, the world and Nigeria are looking forward to this annual Christian event. Many are billed to travel home to reunite with families, friends and well-wishers. In Nigeria, apart from elaborately celebrating its significance in the birth of the Saviour of the world, the season is often characterised by huge vehicular movement of people, goods and services within the length and breadth of the nation.

However, the joy of the festive period is more often than not short-lived, owing to some prevailing human and environmental circumstances. Therefore, before you embark on that journey to the waiting warm embrace of your family this Christmas season, it will not be out of place to put the following factors into utmost consideration. Think safety first! A journey is considered safe only when passengers arrive safely to their various destinations. Nothing kills on Nigerian roads like over-speeding. The stipulated 80kph for passenger buses are flagrantly abused while 100kph for private vehicles are contemptuously ignored to the detriment of the passengers and the society. The law guiding speed limits should be strictly adhered to especially this season by road users while seat belts must always be put on when driving.

The rate of road accidents recorded within the supposed joyous period is very alarming. The Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) said “120 persons were killed in road accidents between December 19 and 28, 2014. This happened just within an interval of 10 days. Interestingly, the figure translates to 42 per cent reduction when compared to 2013 figure of 208 within the same period.” The Commission should be commended for the successes achieved through conscientising the road-users on the dangers of road accidents and for bringing high level of sanity to our roads. Although the casualty figure has drastically reduced, more needs to be done to save human lives from road carnages.

Most road users, including drivers, should be abreast of traffic rules. Therefore, before a driver inserts the key into the ignition of that vehicle, he must be at home with the enabling traffic laws guiding his driving conduct. The literate who can read and interpret road signs should be allowed to acquire driver’s licence before plying our roads. It has been established that most road accidents are caused by impatience of the drivers and other road users. Garments of patience are recommended apparels for every one when using the road. The reality of the existence of objects, stray animals and the surprises they could spring are critical elements which deserve the patience of road users this season.

Be aware of the fact that with the exception of you, every other driver on the road is deemed as insane. Therefore, drivers should be extremely cautious and possess defensive driving skills. American National Standard Safe Practices for Motor Vehicle Operation defines defensive driving skills as “driving to save lives, time and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others”. It is a form of training for motor vehicle drivers that goes beyond mastery of the rules of the road and the basic mechanics of driving. Its aim is to reduce the risk of collision by anticipating dangerous situations, despite adverse conditions or the mistakes of others. This can be achieved through adherence to a variety of general guidelines, such as following the assured clear distance ahead and two second rules, as well as the practice of specific driving techniques.”

Many drivers and transport operators desire to make much during Christmas. They embark on as many trips as possible and based on that throw caution to the wind while driving. In the final analysis, the unfortunate aftermath of impatience, which would have taken maybe five seconds of restraint, often leads to untimely death, hospitalisation of casualties, huge hospital bill, trauma, and litigation that takes more than one month to address.

When was the last time you serviced that car you intend to travel home with? The state of private or public vehicles on our roads deserves adequate care for them to give optimal performance. Evidences of old and rickety vehicles, which have no business plying our roads, are common sights to behold. One wonders what a moving casket they all really are.

There is always a noticeable attitude or tendency of primitive accumulation of more wealth for the season. The society witnesses increase in the nefarious activities of armed robbers and ritualists who are on the prowl to make evil money to prove that they have arrived. Moreover, unnecessary hike in the cost of goods and services unfortunately characterises the celebration of the birth of Christ. We have come to terms with the culture and make desperate effort to shop one or two weeks before the celebration because of the above anticipated upsurge in costs of goods and services. Christmas is a season of joy, and Jesus Christ is the reason for the season. The above narratives demean the significances of the occasion.

If one must drink and drive, it must be cold natural water. The state of mind of the driver goes a long way in shaping the fate of every journey. How healthy and mentally alert is the man behind the wheels? Some invalid and tired drivers had depended on alcohol or other stimulants to stay alert while driving. The habit has led to unimaginable disaster and road carnages of monumental proportion.

Nigerian roads are terribly in bad shape. This situation has negatively affected the condition of vehicles and made journeys regrettably cumbersome. Cautious meandering through these dilapidated roads has become the way out for commuters. Safety on roads should be the catchphrase as Nigerians prepare for this yuletide.

• Eze is a Communications Specialist.

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