Don’t despair, the entrenched forces are surmountable, Obi tells Obidients

Mr. Peter Obi

By Ishaya Ibrahim

Presidential candidate of Labour Party in the February 25 election, Peter Obi, has urged Obidients to not despair following the September 6 judgment of the Presidential Election Petition Court (PEPC).

The five Justices of the court had upheld the election of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. The decision of the PEPC justices did not sit well with Obidients, the movement of Nigerians propelling the Obi’s presidential campaign.

But in a letter on Saturday which Obi penned to Obidients, he urged them not to despair. He said though the forces they are up against are entrenched and formidable, they are not insurmountable.

See letter below

My Dear Obidient Family and Supporters,

1. I trust that you all have listened to or read my reaction to the judgment delivered by the Presidential Election Petition Court (PEPC) on Wednesday, 6th September.

2. Understandably, there has been a note of general disappointment *within* our fold and indeed the general population of Nigerians who hoped that the outcome of the February 25th Presidential Election would usher in a new and different Nigeria of our dreams. That dream has only been deferred for now, but remains alive for all times.

3. Since the Tribunal verdict, there has been a note of general despair among Obidients and the generality of our supporters. Let me assure us all that on this journey, despair or surrender are not our options.

4. Today, I want to *personally* reach out and encourage you all to keep hope alive. Considering the challenges that lie ahead of us as a movement, despair is not an option. Nothing good in life comes easy. Throughout history, positive change comes only with sacrifice, perseverance, *resilence* and fluctuating fortunes.

5. Right from the onset of our journey, I told you that the journey upon which we were about to embark was not a short sprint but a long and tough marathon. It was *always* going to be difficult, painful and excruciating.

6. We set out knowing fully well that the forces we are up against are entrenched and formidable but not insurmountable. They would resist the wind of change and try to push us into surrender or despair. We must not succumb to their design.

7. I am inspired that we have endured the odds placed in our way at every point. In such a short space of time, we have persevered to get to the point where we cannot be ignored any longer. Therefore, I urge you to abide and never think of giving up.

9. Therefore, I wish to assure you that our recent disappointments have inspired me to re-dedicate myself to the cause of building a New Nigeria. For me, *rescuing* Nigeria is a life long commitment. And on this journey, we shall be resolute but orderly, principled but lawful. I assure you that we shall persist with even greater determination and zeal until we get to our destination. *Nigeria must belong to all Nigerians and not to a select few.*

Like all of you, I believe fervently that a New Nigeria is Possible. *God bless you all and God bless Nigeria.*

Ishaya Ibrahim:
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