Delegates create online platform for contributions to confab

National Conference delegates under Nigerians in Diaspora said they had created an online platform for Nigerians to contribute their opinions on deliberations and recommendations of the conference.

Dr Jonathan Obaje

Dr Jonathan Obaje, a delegate representing Nigerians in Diaspora, Asia, at the conference, made the disclosure at a news conference on Thursday in Abuja.



He said the website would not only give voice to Nigerians who were not part of the conference, it would also serve as real time survey on the discussions and decisions of the conference.



“The good thing about this website is that you can log in and do your own analysis.



“For instance, when you log in and there is a question that is being discussed, you can see the real time survey of the number of people that have voted on a particular issue.



“It is a vital tool that can be used by the media or people to know the feelings of Nigerians on certain issues.’’



Obaje said that the website, which would be formally launched on Friday, had received the support of the conference secretariat.



He, however, added that the launch was not part of the secretariat’s mandates.


He urged Nigerians above 18 years to log on to the website, domicile in and register their contributions.



He also urged delegates to log on to the platform to engage opinions of Nigerians in arriving at decisions at the conference.



The delegate advised the conference secretariat to engage necessary technology in the discussion of committees’ reports to fast-track the work of delegates.

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