COVID-19: Supreme Court suspends sitting as CJN orders closure of courts nationwide

Tanko Muhammad, CJN

Following the directive by the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN) that courts should suspend sittings nationwide, the Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court, Mrs. Hadizatu Uwani Mustapha, on Monday directed the suspension of regular sittings at the Supreme Court.

In a statement late on Monday, the Chief Registrar said she acted based on the directive by the CJN.

The statement reads: “My Lord, the honourable, the Chief Justice of Nigeria has directed that, in view of the way people get Infected with coronavirus Disease (COVID 19) and the way counsel and Parties come to the Supreme Court everyday from various cities and states, it has become imperative that further regular sittings of the court should be suspended.

“In the circumstances, further sittings of the Supreme Court are hereby suspended from Tuesday, the 24th Day of March. 2020, until further notice.

“However, judgments and rulings of the court shall be delivered as already adjourned.

“This circular is for general information and strict compliance, please.”

Justice Muhammad, in a directive on Monday in his capacity as the CJN and Chairman, National Judicial Council (NJC), had directed the suspension of judicial activities in courts nationwide from Tuesday.

He said the need to urgently halt court sittings throughout the country was informed by the glaring threat of the COVID-19 pandemic.

He noted that the reality of the COVID-19 was already being felt in the country and there was an urgent need to take further preventive steps.

In a statement by spokesman of the Supreme Court, Dr. Festus Akande, the CJN directed all courts’ heads to give effect to his directive by March 24, 2020.

Justice Muhammad had in an earlier circular, issued on March 20, directed all courts’ heads to ensure compliance with the various preventive measures stipulated by the relevant health agencies.

But in another circular issued on Monday, the CJN directed an immediate suspension of court sittings.

Part of the statement reads: “Re-Preventive measures on the spread of coronavirus. (COVID-19) and the protection of Justices, judges and staff of courts.

“Further to my earlier circular Ref. No. NJC/CIR/HOC/II/629 dated 20th March, 2020, on the above subject matter.

“In view of the reality of the COVID-19 in the country and in order to take further preventive steps, all heads of courts are, from tomorrow, the 24th day of March, 2020, directed to suspend Court sittings for an initial period of two weeks at the first instance, except in matters that are urgent, essential or time bound according to our extant laws.

“Your Lordships are hereby directed to bring the content of this Circular to the notice of all Stakeholders in justice administration, please.”

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