Coronavirus is God’s punishment on mankind, says U.S.-based cleric


By Eberechi Obinagwam

A Nigerian pastor based in the United States, Prophet Oladele Samuel, has said that the coronavirus was punishment from God.

Samuel is the founder of Great Light One Family Ministry in the United States.

He said God does not do evil, but he may allow evil for a purpose to chastise people so that people can think and come back to Him.

He said that CoronaVirus might just be the beginning of the punishment for people to turn to God.

He admonished people to come to the throne of grace and run from the impending doom.

“We should rely on God and worship Him in the beauty of His holiness. Nations and people should seek after God as righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to people- Proverb 14:24,” he said.

The prophet also said that war was being waged against Christians in Nigeria.

“This is a wake up call for all Christians in the country. It is a war against Christianity and Christians,” he stated.

He advised Christians to double their efforts in prayer and fasting for God’s mercy.

According to him, its time for Christians to wake up and stop the mess otherwise the people behind the killings would think that it pleases the Christians.

“According to Acts 12:3-5. When Herod saw that the killing of John pleased the Jews, he proceeded to seize Peter also. Peter was arrested but the church was earnestly praying to God for him. God sent an Angel to rescue him. Prayer reinforces for Him.

“According to what God showed me in August last year where I saw some armed men going around the mountains and in the bushes going from towns to towns and villages to villages to kill. People were running helter skelter such they could not locate their addresses. I forwarded the message to some people then. Christians should not wait until when something happens before they start to pray,” he said.  

He, however, urged Christians to emulate Bishop David Oyedepo by using their status and position to pray and cry loud instead of pretending as if nothing is happening.

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