Clan Irin survives Gulder Ultimate Search 12 eviction

Clan Irin, had a good fortune, as they remain in the Gulder Ultimate Search 12 despite losing task

The council of elders saved the bushes of members of Clan Irin after coming last in the  “slippery slope” task. 

The first eviction of this season’s edition was, therefore, more of a fake eviction, and the contestants will be aware they won’t be lucky next time

After the tasking day that the Gulder Ultimate Search Contestants had to overcome, they met at the talking drum to decide the fate of the losing team – Clan Irin.

The three clans had their first task, the slippery slope, where Clan Iroko came first, then Clan Amo. 

Sadly, Clan Irin came last, and all six members – Mikel, Damilola, Chidimma, Ishmael, Omokhafe, and Godswill, were at risk of going home.

The taskmaster, Kunle Remi, inquired from the team why they failed, and Chidimma suggested that the male-female ratio of their team left them with less manpower to help them complete the task.

To that, Kunle said, “what a man can do, a woman can do better”, citing that having fewer men was not an excuse for them to lose.

At the place of the talking drum, there is a black calabash filled with black stones and one white stone. Whoever picks the white stone goes home.

 One after the other, Clan Irin members blindly picked stones from the pot. In the order they took.

As fate would have it, they all had black stones when the clan members revealed their stones. 

The council of elders had decided to give them another chance to prove their worth as warriors worthy of becoming the ultimate craftsman. 

All the clans went back to the camp with joy in their hearts to prepare for another day.


Kehinde Okeowo:
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