Christmas: Nwabunike, ANLCA boss calls for ‘ Season of Charity for less privileged

By Uzor Odigbo

Association of Nigeria Licensed Customs Agents (ANLCA) President, Hon. Tony Iju Nwabunike has enjoined privileged Nigerians to reach out in love to the less privileged in the spirit Charity at Christmas

“This is the season of Charity which also depicts the tenets of Christian faith”

In his goodwill message at Christmas, Nwabunike said: “This time of every year is synonymous with infectious happiness, sharing of gifts and radiation of joyful vibes all over.

“It is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, whose 36 years sojourn on earth over 2000 years ago has left indelible marks for humanity on many fronts.

The ANLCA boss insisted that: “On this occasion, it is my earnest desire that All Nigerian custom brokers, freight forwarders, haulage operators and ancillary service providers in the total logistics chain embrace the messages embedded in
Christ’s birth and lifestyle.

“Nigerians should eschew bitterness and promote love among themselves.

“I urge all our colleagues and friends to promote love amongst themselves and with other stakeholders in the maritime industry.

“Where there is love, our capacity to forgive shortcomings even without apologies will expand for love covers multitude of sins( 1 Peter 4:8)
It is from this promotion of christlike love that the virtue of selfless service and helping others without
expecting reward can flow ceaselessly.

“Our professional functions touches strongly on collection of government revenue and facilitating trade.”

Hon. Nwabunike however regretted that although, ANLCA and other freighters have remained without encomiums, the fact is that Nigeria won’t work without their support.

“We are indeed unsung and strategic partners. Let’s bear in mind that as we move cargoes, so are we moving the national economy forward while
advancing the cause of international trade, supporting productivity and creating sustainable

“In remembering that Christ taught us tax paymentt (Matt.17:27) by miraculously causing cash to be
obtained from a fish mouth to pay tax – giving to Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar, I urge us to pay our
custom duties accurately, avoid duty evasion and any sharp practice that undermines federal
government drive for more none oil revenue. “

“The reality that oil revenue alone cannot sustain our country is dawn on us. Singapore has become the maritime capital of the world since 2015 and Nigeria can become the topmost maritime destination in Africa. We generate the highest cargo throughput with a commanding population of over 200 million.

Details of his Christmas message is as follows
“The rise of Singapore is an inspiration to emerging economies like Nigeria. Let’s all contribute to
attaining and surpassing the Singaporean feats for ourselves and generations yet unborn
Becoming a hub port is realisable to serve our needs, serve others like Niger, Chad and other proximate countries. With the coming of soon to be commissioned Lekki Deep Seaport, the Nigerian customs broker is at a vantage professional position to unearth the numerous benefits derivable from this economic facility.

“I am aware that the port will be Nigeria’s first fully automated deep seaport with most modern ship to
shore cargo handling facilities, close to a free zone serving as a manufacturing hub within same
environment with a refinery. This is many opportunities rolled in one space for us as importers, exporters , transporters and traders
This automation underscores the need for customs brokers to improve their knowledge like I have
always emphasised. Knowledge and ICT backed skills will help us function better in an automated port environment

“December 25 is commemorated as birthday of Christ, lets not forget Him as we celebrate. He has
directed us to be givers. This is a season of charity. Let’s give as much as we can to the less privileged.
Let’s give sincerely in service to humanity, let’s spread happiness from our workplaces to our homes, communities and nation at large” , He said.

Ishaya Ibrahim:
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