Broken promises (3)

Judges 11:29 records that Jephthah vowed to give God whatever came out of his house to greet him on his return from battle on the ground that he won. God answered his prayers and he won the battle. But the sad news was that his only daughter was the one that came out to receive him. Despite that, he knew the grave consequence of broken vows and the effect of the aggrieved spirits (angels). Read his painful response when he saw his daughter. “…Alas, my daughter, thou has brought me very low, and thou art one of them that trouble me, for I have opened my mouth unto the Lord, and I cannot go back” (Judges 11:34-35).

Antoni Okoh

What vow did you make to God in your hour of distress? Redeem it now and God will help you. Don’t expose yourself to needless pain. If you went before any shrine to solicit for help and you later backed out, go for proper deliverance and re-dedicate your life to God and serve him in spirit and in truth. What has scattered the destinies of so many people today is the desperation of soliciting for help from anywhere and everywhere.


In the bid to travel overseas for greener pastures, a lot of people go before different altars; some even sent friends and family members to run around for spiritual help on their behalf. At the end of the day, when things work out for them, these altars, both negative and positive, are abandoned; even as vows are left unredeemed.


Many politicians are guilty of this; so also are some businessmen seeking contract, women looking for fruit of the womb, people seeking travel opportunities, or those battling to secure the citizenship of foreign countries to enable them remain there permanently. Sometimes, afflicted people battling to come out of long-standing sickness, diseases and problems are also guilty of this. Be careful how you send people to solicit for help on your behalf.

How do you come out of their bondage?
• Redeem whatever vow you made to God.
• Ask your loved ones if they had gone anywhere to make vows on your behalf before God’s altars or shines (idols).
• Take practical steps in your redemption or deliverance (if it was before an idol).
• If you have backed out of any transaction with any altar, seek deliverance.
• Cry out to God for mercy, ask for forgiveness of sins.
• Destroy any item given to you from any shrine or spiritual home, with the assistance of an anointed man of God.
It is well with you. You will surely recover all in Jesus name.

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