BREAKING: Ruto wins Kenya’s presidential election


Ruto served as Minister for Home Affairs in the Daniel Arap Moi administration from August to December 2002. He later served in the Mwai Kibaki administration as Minister of Agriculture from 2008 to 2010 and as Minister for Higher Education from April to October 2010.

By Ishaya Ibrahim, News Editor

Kenya’s Independent Electoral and Boundary Commission (IEBC) has declared William Samoei Arap Ruto as winner of the keenly contested presidential election.

There were four contenders in the race but only Ruto and veteran presidential aspirants, Raila Odinga, were the major two.

At the end of the ballot count today, Ruto finished top and was declared the winner of the election by IEBC chairman, Wafula Chebukati

Ruto was born on December 21, 1966.  He is the deputy President of Kenya since 2013.

Ruto contested the Kenya’s election on the platform of UDA.


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In the 2013 presidential election, Ruto was elected the Deputy President alongside President Uhuru Kenyatta under the Jubilee Alliance ticket.

In the presidential election, his boss, Kenyatta, refused to support Ruto, instead, backed Raila Odinga.

 He was a Member of Parliament (MP) from 1998 to 2013.

He served as Minister for Home Affairs in the Daniel Arap Moi administration from August to December 2002. He later served in the Mwai Kibaki administration as Minister of Agriculture from 2008 to 2010 and as Minister for Higher Education from April to October 2010.

Ishaya Ibrahim:
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