Brand school tasks managers to deploy storytelling

Use storytelling to solve social problems, Orange Academy, a brand communications school, recently told its students at an exhibition tagged ‘The Art of Positive Thinking’.



The exhibition was launched alongside the school’s graduation ceremony in Lagos.


Association of Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON) President, Bunmi Oke (left); Tink (Trends + Intelligence Network) Africa founder, Franklin Ozekhome (second left); Diamond Bank Channel Services Executive, Adanne Anene; and Diamond Bank Corporate Communications Executive, Maurice Igugu; at the event.

This year’s edition focuses on the need for sexually active youths to know their HIV status. It was attended by stakeholders in marketing, advocacy and public sector advertising.


Compelling storytelling at Orange Academy is called ‘This One Thing’ and it separates their students from students of marketing communications in other institutions.


The yearly event will now become an annual showcase of how arts can solve complex social problems. Students are to research, reframe and create solutions to intervene in human issues, using storytelling.


Submission will be judged by a group of international panellists.


Orange Academy Provost, Femi Odugbemi, cited statistics compiled by Forrester Researchers in the United States which showed that social media spending will rise to $3.113 million in 2014, from $716,000 in 2009, a growth of 34 per cent.


This is the highest percentage gain in marketing mix, which shifts major marketing budgets to ‘un-marketing’ activities.


GlaxoSmithKline African Marketing Director (Family Nutrition), Lampe Omoyele, a member of Orange Academy management board, described the school as the first un-marketing brand school in Africa where emphasis is on storytelling.


It teaches the ability to tell media neutral stories in Above-the-line, Below-the-line, Inside-the-line, Across-the-line and With-no-lines.


Orange Academy Chief Executive Officer, Chisom Ohuaka, said because stories are the most memorable vehicles to know the world, the school teaches and practices the art of compelling storytelling to enable students create memorable brand experiences.


The mission is to train and mentor students to solve complex human problems through the art of storytelling


According to Kenny Brandmuse, founder and Chief Imagination Officer of Orange Academy, skill sets taught are employed in core marketing, entertainment, non-profit organisations, governance, education and public advocacies.


The students have increased from 12 to 150 in six years.


Dean of Studies, Franklin Ozhekome, former Insight Communications Chief Marketing Officer, said the academy has an alumni base of over 600 professionals working in major industries where storytelling is used.

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