‘Boko Haram not related to Nigeria’s break-up prediction’

ISIDAHOMEN EZEKIEL, psychologist and Director, Queens School of Security and Management Studies (QSSMS), talks to Head, News Desk, VICTOR EBIMOMI, on dangers of Boko Haram insurgency on Nigeria’s image abroad as well as its perceived link with alleged American prediction on the country’s break-up in 2015, among other issues


What Boko Haram portends for Nigeria’s image 

Isidahomen Ezekiel

Activities such as that of Boko Haram are not limited to Nigeria; they are global phenomena. But I can say the Boko Haram issue has brought both negative and positive images to Nigeria. It is negative in the sense that it has exposed Nigeria as a nation which is, perhaps, unable to cope with forces within its domain. The implication is that it also creates the impression that Nigeria might also find it difficult to deal with the outside one, if there is any. In fact, so much harm has been done to our corporate image outside with the killings in the Northern part of the country, which the sect is trying to extend to the Southern part with the recent blast in Lagos. It has made the nation look like those countries where we only hear about fighting, killings, bombings and things like that. It makes the country look as bad as Sudan or Pakistan with the Taliban over there. These things were foreign to us. A country that has been so peaceful, the giant of Africa, is suddenly developing a problem that looks like something that is beyond what government can solve. It does not portray the nation in a good light. It has dented our foreign image and corporate existence before the outside world.


The other side of it is that it is good that foreigners have come to assist us, though we have not actually seen the effect of their coming because every day we are still confronted with bombing reports here and there. It is not something that can be fought only through military might. So, Nigerian government should begin to look at how these other countries have been able to fight similar cases of terrorism.

Justifying foreign intervention
No country is an Island. If only we will benefit from the experience of these countries, there is nothing bad in it. But we have to be mindful of our own sovereignty, so that we don’t unnecessarily expose ourselves to foreign countries, especially in terms of our armoury and military might. So we have to be very careful.



Other areas to watch
There are certain areas that the government has to keep away from the foreigners because we don’t know whether they are coming back for second colonisation after we had freed ourselves from their clutches some years ago. We have to be mindful, so that the assistance does not have a kind of negative effect on us because, if they succeed in helping us, they might give us certain conditions to meet, especially given that the countries involved are powerful ones.


Are we sure this offer of assistance is free. What do they actually stand to gain from it? They might have something in mind. You know, of course, our oil is there. That is the areas I want the government to also look at. If we are accepting these foreign countries to get idea from them in terms of technology, in terms of how they have been able to fight terrorism in their countries, that is alright. But beyond that, government should be very mindful.


Cooperation by neighbouring countries
Initially, I would have said they were not giving us the level of cooperation we needed. But with the recent happenings, I will say yes. I think recently they had a meeting in France and they all agreed that they were going to join hands to fight the malady or the Boko Haram. West African countries should actually join hands to fight this Boko Haram because what is happening in one West African country can creep into others. Last time, we heard how Cameroun was able to kill some of them who were trying to find a haven there. With the support of these neighbouring countries, I know it will not be easy for them. I think, overall, they are giving us the desired support.



Amnesty for Boko Haram    
How do you give amnesty to faceless people? Boko Haram is a faceless organisation. We have only been seeing pictures and video. These things can be true. They can be manipulated as well. When you talk of the Niger Delta militants, we saw people who came out to say they were the ones behind it. When the Niger Delta militancy was at its peak, the people came out to say they were behind it, but Boko Haram people are faceless. So how do you negotiate with them? The Shekau we talk about, who has seen him? Sometime ago, we heard that he had died; but now we are seeing pictures and his video clips. So how do you even get them to negotiate? We heard that some people are suggesting that they should go outside the country for the negotiation; but that of the Niger Delta militants was done here. So if the government is going to grant amnesty, let them come out first – just like the Niger Delta militants did by bringing out their arms.


But if the government wants to give them amnesty because of our children that have been abducted for months, I will support, if that will bring peace. But first of all, let them come out.


Boko Haram as catalyst to Nigeria’s break-up
It is just a coincidence; it is not because America predicted the country’s break-up. Before the prediction, we already had this issue of Boko Haram. It is only that some factors equally help Boko Haram. As a result of the high unemployment rate, for instance, some people are willing to join forces with them because they feel: what is the essence of living when you cannot feed yourself? So they see it as alternative to their joblessness because they are assured of their daily bread. Of course we know that with the sophistication of their equipment, there should be some powerful people behind them.

Need to go for terrorists sponsors
Sometimes ago, even the president said Boko Haram had infiltrated his government; but he did not go further. If we have secret information like that, what have you done to actually pinpoint those behind it? Of recent, the All Progressives Congress (APC) asked that government should involve foreign countries to investigate those actually behind the Boko Haram because in the past, fingers had been pointed at it; but now they have come out to say if it is true, let government bring in a different body to investigate it. If the president could come out and say that there are Boko Haram members in his government, we expect that he must have gotten his fact somewhere. Let him investigate. Something has to be done.

Boko Haram in the South 
Nigeria is facing a bigger problem, with the infiltration of the sect members to the Southern part of the country. We heard of blast in Lagos and Shekau came out to say they were responsible for it. Where is safe in this country again? If it happens in Lagos with its high concentration of human beings, heavy traffic, it is going to be very tragic. The destruction can better be imagined.


So it is not an issue for the North East alone. It has happened in Kano, Kaduna, in Jos. Now, it is in the South; so we are not safe. The earlier the government is able to proffer solution the better. We are made to understand that they are asking for a swap. If that will bring peace and bring the abducted children back, let the government think about it.

About the abducted girls
You can imagine over 200 girls under the control of this sect. Imagine the agony the parents are undergoing. We are not feeling it much because we are not directly involved; but if we are directly involved, you will know the pains. So if swapping and amnesty will bring peace, let government go ahead, provided it is genuine repentance on the part of the Boko Haram. But are they ready to repent; are they ready to lay down their arms?

Other measures to curb terrorism
The government needs to look at some of existing conditions that may have prompted these people to take up arms; look at the economic situation in the country, unemployment – graduates without jobs. There could be so many factors contributing to it. Don’t forget that this Boko Haram became worse after the killing of their leader, which many say was not properly handled. If it was properly handled, then, perhaps the whole thing would have been nipped in the bud. They withdrew and reinforced to come out in the deadly form we are experiencing today.

Sea piracy and oil theft in the South
The issue of piracy is a worldwide phenomenon. It happens not only in Nigerian territorial waters. But our own is that we connive with foreigners, and it is affecting the economy of the nation. The money we are supposed to get is being taken away. The only thing I think the government can do is to mount effective patrol of our territorial waters. Let the Navy be more aggressive in their work along these waters. Any ship suspected to carry stolen crude oil should be arrested and confiscated. Anybody conniving to steal our oil is an enemy of the state. The offence should be treated as capital offence. If that is done and they know that such punishment awaits them, they will think twice before going into such illegal business. And there should also be a joint patrol of the territorial waters between us and our neighbouring countries because we cannot fight piracy alone. There should be a high level of cooperation and synergy among our neighbouring countries.


On 2015 election
I advise the politicians not to see politics as a do-or-die affair. If you want to offer yourself for service and people say no, please accept it so. Look at what happened in Ekiti; look at the way the governor willingly congratulated the governor-elect. It should be a game of give-and-take. If you win, they should congratulate you, and if they win, you should congratulate them – if it is all about service, except there are other motives. If, for example, I want to offer myself for service and the people say no, I will come back home and face my business. But here, people we have other motives behind fighting for power because when you are in control of power, you are in control of the economy; they go together.

Adopting another political system
It may not work because it is the same set of people that will still be there. You see, the society is so corrupt, the system is so corrupt. Except we have something like what happened in Ghana when Rawlings wiped out a whole set of people, it will not work. Corruption has gone so deep that no matter the system you adopt, it will not work because the people that will implement it are also corrupt.
We need drastic action in this country. Look at the economy of Ghana today. Before, they were rushing here; but today our people rush there. Many Nigerians now go there for education because their education is stable – no lecturers’ strikes. Sometime ago, foreigners used to come here; but now they prefer going to Ghana. I am not saying that Ghana is totally free from corruption; but is not as pronounced as what we have here.

Vote against state police
If we allow state police to come into existence, it may be abused by the state government. So the central control is still okay, but the central control itself should be properly managed. We are not yet ripe for state police.

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