BA offers advice on flying with children

British Airways (BA) has offered parents basic reminder steps to ensure a pleasant flying experience for passengers, including children.


BA Country Commercial Manager (West Africa), Kola Olayinka, said when travelling with children, it is important to have a careful plan and take certain precautionary steps that will ensure that a child is relaxed, occupied and comfortable.


Being in a confined space with a noisy youngster can be awkward for parents and irritating to fellow flyers.


“Most children are naturally quite excited about flying. The trick is to harness that interest, without them getting over-excited, while ensuring they do not become fretful in an unfamiliar environment,” Olayinka stressed.


A happy flight starts online before you leave for the airport, he added.


“Sites like have comprehensive details of paperwork required for travelling with minors, so you can plan ahead. You can order children’s meals online, or get help from the hostess. You can also reserve equipment such as bassinets for infants.”


He advised parents to take all concessions offered to families such as taking strollers to the door of the aircraft when boarding.


“Understand air-pressure: the pressurisation in passenger aircraft is likely to be your child’s main source of discomfort. During ascent and descent, giving the child food or drink will trigger his or her swallowing reflex, which will help the ears equalise.


“Most parents have a good idea of which foods make their kids overactive and tetchy, but in general, avoid sweet treats of ones that have artificial colourants when travelling.


“Chewy snacks like biltong or dried fruit will help with pressurising their ears while limiting the spikes in blood-sugar that can result in tantrums.


“Rooibos tea can be a good alternative to fizzy drinks and while it is good to keep the child hydrated, do not overdo it, as this can result in nappy-changes and trips to the toilet.”

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