Amohuru stool: Facts are sacred

Nze Chukwuma Nwachukwu, a retired permanent secretary, claims he was key to the attainment of autonomous community status and consequently foisted one Anthony Anyanwu on the people of Amohuru by first putting him in charge of Amohuru Development Union. No one could have suspected he had ulterior motives for saddling our community with a brainless, pedigree-less, dumb and daft individual as king. The willing stooge of Nwachukwu was vocal to the community that he would merely process community through to autonomous status and give way to an Eze elected by the community.


Midstream, Chukwuma and his stooge changed colour and thought they should keep Ezeship for greed of gain. Amohuru majority felt differently. Anyanwu was removed for fraud with community funds and power assets left in his care. An election was organised in accordance with the Ezeship Selection Constitution when it became clear to the community that there was subterfuge being planned by a six-man gang. The community was deceived into believing that Anyanwu had become their Eze because his name was used for obtaining the status.


One Engr. Peter Ohagwa perfunctorily intervened and found in his financially-compromised status that I, Mark Odu, 69 then, should serve as Traditional Prime Minister to a man with doubtful antecedents in a community in which I have been a leading light for all of my adult life. He found for a man who had not conformed to the constitution approved by the assembly of the people as far back as 2010. I had a hand in the upbringing of his mentor and sponsor despite his permanent secretary credentials which has not shown in the quality of his written matter.


Ohagwa had a willing partner in Professor Anthony Anwuka who was and is Imo Secretary to State Government (SSG). Both compromised their status in favour of Nwachukwu to distort all documents filed in respect of Ezeship of Amohuru Autonomous Community at all levels of government. Following a pendency notice filed with Governor’s Office three days to recognition of Ndi-eze of Imo State by the governor, a panel was set up to investigate the kingship status of Amohuru.


The panel found the purported status of Anyanwu to be flawed for total lack of community involvement. He was not a contender in the election of August 24, 2013. There was no evidence that can be produced to show that the community was involved in his choice. But six stooges of Nwachukwu were hell-bent on covering up their evil tracks by imposing Anthony Anyanwu on the community. The gang had ruined structures and systems for right conduct in the community. They are in cahoots with people in government who must be fished out and disgraced out of office.


On March 31, 2014, Nwachukwu reportedly bribed his way to State Security Services (SSS) to prevent our majority from coming to prevent Governor Rochas Okorocha from granting a false Eze recognition. Governor had his doubts and demurred. Professor Anwuka, who might have received gratification, threw all caution to the wind and committed the grave error of neglecting corporate will of Amohuru people and made an impostor Eze. In better climes, he should be sacked from leadership of any type. He and his partner, Engr. Ohagwa, should be removed from government as sores in a rescue milieu.


Anyanwu and his few supporters subsequently attempted to approach the Hall of the People, Aladimma Amohuru, to make some ill-conceived announcements and were beaten back by the will of the majority. They were traditionally rusticated from the mainstream of the community for atrocious conduct against our land, and they must be traditionally cleansed before they resume relationship with the people. They have defiled the land we share in undivided whole. The land has since been purified. They must undergo same process. They no longer can speak for the people.


Their full page ‘no vacancy for Ezeship in Amohuru’ advertisement in Trumpeta Newspaper is hollow and of no effect. It did not say what election brought Anyanwu into the kingship of Amohuru. It did not say how he qualified to be Eze. It did not specify what he had done in the community before and since he reaped his kingship. The publisher of the newspaper needed the funds he richly deserved from crooks, who had perverted governance through their fruitless journey in public service by distorting truth and powering wrong courses into an otherwise wholesome community of people.


Nature will take care of them. But the will of the people will prevail on December 12, 2014. Government merely regulates kingship by law. The people make their choice of Eze and government is bound to respect that will, or the machinery of government shall collapse by and by in its dead weight of falsehood. Those to blame are the operatives who have eaten the devil’s cocoyam. Professor Mark Odu is the only elected Eze of Amohuru Autonomous Community. It shall stand so, no matter the gale of evil standing against it.


Natural law, all must know, is relentless.

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