Airtel loses 11,834 subscribers, the most via porting

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Airtel loses 11,834 subscribers shopping for better service

By Jeph Ajobaju, Chief Copy Editor

Mobile telephone operators lost 22,315 subscribers between them in the first six months of the year (H1 2022) as customers seeking better service switched providers in an increasingly competitive market.

Airtel lost the most through porting (11,834), followed by 9mobile (8,207), MTN (1,162), and Glo (1,112), according to data newly released by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC).

Total porting in H1 2021 was 702. Meaning 21,613 more subscribers switched networks in H1 2022.

But total subscriber database across the four major networks grew to 206.08 million in H1 2022.

Industry experts say subscribers swap networks because of poor service quality of their original providers or new service offering on their new network.

The NCC launched the mobile number portability service in April 2013 to allow subscribers switch providers while retaining their numbers.

“In furtherance of its efforts to promote competition, improve quality of service and ensure that consumers continue to enjoy a good experience on the mobile networks, the NCC launched mobile number portability service for GSM subscribers in April 2013,” the NCC said at the time.

“The MNP enables consumers to switch networks without losing their cellular phone numbers.”


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How porting works

The NCC says

  • The MNP ensures a subscriber retains his mobile number when changing from one mobile service provider to another and is available to all mobile subscribers, according to reporting by The PUNCH.
  • Since MNP works on the Mobile Subscriber ISDN Number and not the International Subscriber Mobile Identity, it affects all MSISDN-based services like SMS, MMS, voice calls, and other prepaid services, ensuring subscribers do not lose access to these services.
  • Subscribers can port from one network to another but there is a restriction of 45 days within porting.

Porting audit

The NCC in 2019 conducted an audit on the compliance of operators with MNP Regulations 2014 and Business Rules and Port Order Processes.

It said the audit was necessary as incoming porting shrank 35 per cent and outgoing porting 62 per cent in two years.

The audit was “to review all port rejections by the donor to ensure that these rejections are within the valid reasons for rejection in the MNP Business Rules.

“Review the current status of outstanding MNP fees owed to the Number Portability Clearinghouse Administrator by Mobile Network Operators.”

Jeph Ajobaju:
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