Again, Ortom declares Obi the finest Aso Rock contestant

Obi (left) and Ortom

Ortom says Obi is the finest in terms of education, in terms of character, in terms of performance, in terms of reaching out, in terms of accommodation , in terms of being a pan-Nigerian

The Labour Party presidential candidate, Peter Obi has received one of his biggest endorsements and testimonial on his journey to Aso Rock from Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue state, who declared him the finest man for the job.

Obi who was in Benue state to meet with the two topmost traditional rulers in the state, the Tor Tiv and Orchi Idoma paid courtesy call on Governor Ortom who prayed that God who crowns to do it for Obi if it’s His will.

Governor Ortom noted that this is the first time a presidential candidate is meeting their two paramount rulers and commended Obi for his ability to reach out.

The Governor who quoted from the Holy book of John 3:23 to buttress the fact that only God crowns, however noted that, “If Nigerians were given to make a choice, you are one of the finest candidates that we have in this country”


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According to Ortom, the LP flag bearer is the finest, “in terms of education, in terms of character, in terms of performance, in terms of reaching out, in terms of accommodation , in terms of being a pan-Nigerian and in terms of passion to ensure that our country is liberated from where we are from insecurity to security and out of the economic woes to economic vibrancy and out of lack of adequate social life. You have the capacity to make things work.”

Ortom reiterated his earlier position that political party should not be the consideration in this election.

“Let me say this again, where we are in our country Nigeria today, we should not be looking at party or where someone comes from but we should be looking at the capacity of the personality that will be able to deliver us from the mess we are in Nigeria today”

He said that Obi from his antecedents, has the capacity and commitment to the well being of our people, noting that, “If I were God, but am not one, I would have said…but am not God but I admire your courage, your capacity to deliver to our people.

“All I can say is that the God that sees the heart let him bless you. The God that blesses and crowns if it’s His will let Him crown you.”

He said that he is a living example of how no man can stop the crown God has destined for somebody. “I am a living example of the fact that God crowns and when He decides to do it nothing can stop it. How I became Governor in 2015 and 2019 is known to all”

The Governor, finally advised Obi to reach out to his colleagues in the presidential race to solicit their support to be their servant if God crowns Him so that you all work together . We need everybody to work together for the good of this country.

The LP presidential candidate commended the Governor for his commitment to his people particularly caring for their security and welfare. Obi said that his heart bleeds that Nigerians are in IDP camps in a country that is not in any war.

Ishaya Ibrahim:
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