A further clarification between the ideal and reality

A further clarification between the ideal and realityA further clarification between the ideal and reality

Prince Uthman Shodipe-Dosunmu

A further clarification between the ideal and reality

By Uthman Shodipe

From the earliest beginnings of man there has always been that urge, the natural push to vault beyond the distorted present, questing beyond the limiting reality, casting his vision in enriching necessity to improve his position.

There has always been that innate need for progression, the impulse towards a gradation to a higher value and signification.

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From the Neanderthals to the Cave man, to the Stone Age and the discovery of iron, man in his wandering enlightened passion, has always pushed far towards a greater vista of ennobling circumstances amid the thronging challenges of fate.

But it has never been the nature of man to withdraw, to crawl in cringing acceptability of the status quo. Man is instinctively an idealist, a restless, boundless spirit, yearning, working for what Ought to be.

The idealistic man does not capitulate before the vagaries of fate. He rebels against oddities. He questions the incongruous. He grapples with the subsisting aberrations, insistent that there is always a better way.

To submit to the present, to plead extenuating circumstance and avert your gaze from the festering malady of the moment is to instigate self-implosion.

What IS can be changed. The present is not woven in stone save for those who reside within the delusional carapace of life.

It is chimerical to pretend that tomorrow will not come with all its thronging revolutionary appetite to disembowel the present order, to instill an improved, freshly scripted better dawn, flinging the odious emblem into the withering dust. That is the nature of our cyclical universe.

Tennyson puts it better: “The old order changeth, yielding place to new. And God fulfills himself in many ways lest one good custom should corrupt the world.”

Here the Tennysonian ringing leit motif is about the perceived good order which cannot be static.

Nature abhors the frozen somnolence.  There must be actuation; a progression beyond now – a banishment of the festering crudity.

Something new, something different; a nullifying stripping of the moment must always come to supersede the odious present.

Progression! Progression! That is the law of nature.

Nature does not dwell forever in the immobile present. The cyclical necessity must beckon. The Now must yield to another Truth. Tomorrow must come. It can’t be evaded. It can’t be voided by innumerable tons of lucre. It is an immutable certainty indifferent to the beckon of the transient immediacy. It is solidified in the constancy of renewal and progression. The present must yield to another Truth.

Those who presently revel in bacchanalian license, thinking there is a permanence in drunken dictates of Bachus will invariably wake up in sweeping destruction.  There is no avoiding the dictates of Heaven.

Moral: The ideal, the greater horizon will invariably triumph over the puny, untoward ephemerality of the moment. That is the fated truth.

  • Oloriekun
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